Electromagnetic flowmeter for advanced process and master meter applications

  • Highest accuracy (±0.15%), with ceramic tube for aggressive and abrasive liquids (≤70% solid content) up to +180°C / +356°F
  • CT: OIML R117, MI-005 etc.
  • Flange: DN15…300 / ½…12″, max. PN40 / ASME Cl 300; Sandwich: DN2.5…100 / ⅒…4″
  • 3 x 4…20 mA, HART®, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET
SKU: KROHNE-00022 Categories: , ,

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The OPTIFLUX 5300 is an electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) with a high-tech ceramic measuring tube for very aggressive and abrasive fluids, even with high solid content (up to 70%). The high-end EMF is particularly suited for process applications in the chemical processing industry and the minerals and mining sector. Due to its FDA and EC1935/2004 compliant sensor material, the OPTIFLUX 5300 can also be used for hygienic applications. With a measuring uncertainty of just ±0.15% of measured value (±1 mm/s) it is one of the most accurate electromagnetic flowmeters available in the market. That is why leading metrological institutes use the OPTIFLUX 5300 as their master meter.

Thanks to the unique combination of material properties such as surface hardness and finish, mechanical resistance to corrosion and temperature shock, the OPTIFLUX 5300 outclasses all traditionally lined EMFs. Its virtual reference option allows a cost-saving measuring mode without additional grounding rings. The flowmeter comes with flange or as flangeless and space-saving wafer version. Both versions are vacuum-resistant and comply with the Pressure Equipment Directive. The OPTIFLUX 5300 is also approved for use in hazardous areas. It offers various digital communication options. A full on-site verification of the flowmeter without process interruption can be carried out using the OPTICHECK service tool.

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