Electromagnetic flowmeter for basic applications with conductive liquids

  • Cost-effective flow measurement of liquids (≥5 μS/cm) up to +120°C / +248°F
  • Extra isolation of electronics for use in high humidity areas
  • Wafer-style design: DN10…150 / ⅜…6″, max. PN40 / ASME Cl 300
  • 4…20 mA, pulse, frequency, status, HART®, Modbus
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The OPTIFLUX 1050 is a cost-effective electromagnetic flowmeter (EMF) with lightweight wafer-style design. The meter is a very economical solution for simple applications with conductive liquids (≥ 5 μS/cm) involving low solid content (up to 10%). This particularly includes applications in water, wastewater, mobile applications, agriculture or firefighting where extremely high accuracy, extensive diagnostics or a wide range of communication options are not a priority. The extra isolation of the electronic device and housing makes this EMF also suitable for use in areas with extreme humidity.

The OPTIFLUX 1050 features a reinforced PFA liner and Hastelloy® electrodes that guarantee excellent chemical resistance and a large temperature range (up to +120°C / +248°F). The EMF has no internal moving parts, does not require maintenance and is insensitive to vibrations. It comes with current output (incl. HART®) or active pulse/frequency output and Modbus. A full on-site verification of the EMF without process interruption can be carried out using the OPTICHECK service tool.

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