Engineered primary element for DP flow measurement of high velocity, non-viscous or erosive fluids

  • ISA 1932, long radius and Venturi nozzles
  • Standards: ISO 5167, ASME MFC-3M or ASME PTC 6
  • Only short inlet and outlet runs required

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A flow nozzle is an engineered primary flow element for non-viscous and erosive fluids under high velocity and pressure, which would wear or damage orifice plates. Flow nozzles are either integrated into pre-assembled meter runs, designed to be mounted in between flanges or welded into the pipe. They require less straight upstream piping and incur lower permanent pressure loss in comparison to orifice plates. There are no sharp edges exposed to wear. A number of different flow nozzle types are available, e.g. a throat tap long radius ASME PTC 6 nozzle that is typically used for performance testing of steam turbines.

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