Integral DP flowmeter for liquids, gases and steam

  • Fast and easy installation without additional engineering, impulse lines and supports
  • Up to +400°C / +752°F; max. 160 bar / 2320 psi (line pressure)
  • Line size: DN50…600 / 2…24″
  • 2-wire 4…20 mA/HART®, FF, Profibus-PA

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The compact orifice plate with OPTIBAR DP transmitter is an economic DP flowmeter for a broad range of applications – from demi-water to chemicals to steam. The integral orifice plate is a one-piece design per ISO 5167-2 or ASME MFC-3M, consisting of a compact orifice plate, a sandwich meter body, impulse lines and a connection flange. KROHNE offers the complete DP flow solution with integral orifice plate, manifold and DP transmitter. It comes pre-assembled, preconfigured and pressure tested – ready for immediate commissioning. There is absolutely no need for routing of impulse lines, valves and supports. In this way, material costs and installation efforts are significantly reduced.

Due to its versatile design, the compact orifice plate flowmeter is suitable for many industrial processes in chemical and petrochemical plants, in power generation, in the production and transport of oil or in gas processing plants. Redundant versions are available for safety related applications.

The sophisticated OPTIBAR DP 7060 and OPTIBAR DP 3050 DP transmitters are the perfect companion products for this DP flowmeter solution. They are 3D linearised and ensure advanced performance even at high static pressures. The OPTIBAR DP series has an outstanding long-term stability and a low total cost of ownership with a reduced need for field calibrations.

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